Hop, Skip, and Jump! VBS

Hop, Skip, and Jump into God’s love is a free downloadable Vacation Bible School (VBS). It’s not a typical VBS with all the lights, bells, and whistles (well, we do use some whistles!) but a VBS whose goal is to be totally outside, safe for kids and families, and learn about Jesus. All material will be finished by May 3. (Things not included in this VBS include music scores or videos or registration materials or online sign ups.)

Bible stories are from the book of John, based on water, women, and Jesus:

Day 1: Water into Wine (John 2:1-11) Spark Story Bible, page 410.

Day 2: Woman at the Well (John 4) Spark Story Bible, page 420.

Day 3: Jesus is Anointed (John 12:1-8) Spark Story Bible, page 444.

Day 4: In the Garden/ Resurrection (John 20:11-18) Spark Story Bible, page 484

Covid protocols and procedures are a high priority. Here is what we will be doing:

Overview of the four days includes daily Bible story, Bible buddy, Bible point, Bible verse, games, science & story, service & God sightings, and take home craft. Check it out:

Rotation Schedule is based on three different time frames including 9-10:30 am, 11-12:30 pm, and family style from 6-7:30 pm.

Bible BuddIES – We will making the Bible Buddies into Button Pins at 1.5 inches in diameter. Below are the images saved as a jpeg.

REGISTRATION: So this part is on your own. If you need a sample, here is what we do.

VBS Training:

Curriculum: It’s free! There maybe some typos but for the most part it came out really nice. Enjoy!

Morning Stretch: Storytelling Yoga

Crew Check In – Sample

Rotation #1: Science & Story

Rotation #2: Service & God Sightings

Rotation #3: Games

Closing Huddle:

Bring it Home:

Coloring Sheets:

Bible Verse Posters:

If you have families who prefer to do things at home, here are daily videos: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4.

For more information or if you are interested in using the curriculum, please contact me via this blog.

Created by Pastor Heather Roth Johnson, Family Pastor, Bethlehem Lutheran Church – Twin Cities

Graphics by Whitney Stofflet, Graphic Artist, BLC-TC

Contributing Writers:

Cindy Fritz and Peter Horn, the Faith Formation team at Grace Lutheran Church, State College, PA.

Darcy Youngstrom, Director of Faith Formation at Hosanna Lutheran Church, Rochester, MN. .

Support by Ann Masica, CYF Coordinator, BLC-TC

32 thoughts on “Hop, Skip, and Jump! VBS

  1. Greetings Pastor Heather!

    Yes! I would be interested in using this curriculum this summer. I so appreciated the work we did last fall with confirmation that I’m very excited to see what has been developed for VBS.

    Please include me in any mailings regarding these materials and options.

    Darcy Youngstrom Hosanna Lutheran Church Rochester MN ________________________________


  2. Definitely interested in using this resource!
    Linda Reynolds
    Retired UCC Pastor
    Volunteer VBS coordinator at Kirkwood UCC in Kirkwood, MO


  3. This VBS is awesome! We would definitely like to use this curriculum! Thank you so much!!! My e-mail is firstpresdaune@comcast.net. I have a question about registration. Is it just one family or pod per class? Thanks for your help! –Daune Arsnow, First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury, NJ


    • Hi Duane. We will place groups together by families. They can sign up with friends or we will put two families together. For example: Mom signs up a 4, 7, 9 years old. But each crew is 6 kids. We would try to place a family of similar size unless they sign up with friends. Make sense?


  4. Thank you so much! So my understanding is registering 3 crews per VBS session with 6 persons per crew. The 3 crews rotate to different stations except for morning stretch and closing huddle, when they are all together (but socially distancing of course). Do I have it right? Thank you again!


    • I have three groups: Hop, Jump, and Skip. Each group will have several crews, Hop1, Hop 2, Hop 3, etc…We are limiting VBS to 50 people max.


  5. Heather, Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church, in Clinton, NC is excited to use your curriculum for our VBS this summer. Any additional content would be appreciated. Thank you for sharing, I know a lot of hours have gone into this curriculum. Thank you.


  6. Hi, Would it be possible for me to see a copy of your VBS registration form? I was just wondering if families have to sign a Covid related release form or agreement of some type? Also it is so kind of you to share this VBS curriculum! Please let me know where our church can make a donation! Thank you for your help! –Daune


  7. Day 2 and Day 3 Closing Huddles are both based on the Woman at the Well. Also, any links for the song suggestions. I know most but not all.


  8. FYI, Looks like the closing huddle for day 2 is missing a part – instructions about placing words/drawing needing forgiveness in the well.


      • Re the closing huddle for day 2, the missing part seems to be mixed in with the closing huddle for day 3. So I am not sure if day 3 is correct. Our kids are having a blast so far, the poses with the story are a great addition and I am looking forward to the “smelly socks” for day 3 this week!


  9. This is a great curriculum. What would be great is a master list of supplies. So that people preparing can distribute the list and ask congregation and community members to donate items.


    • Hi Holley, Thanks for your feedback. I am sure there are lots of ways to make the curriculum better, and what you suggested is spot on. But we did it for free, and we only had so much time to dedicate to it. Sometimes we just run out of time. Good luck and thanks!


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