
Welcome to Storyboard! My name is Heather Roth Johnson. I wear many hats – my family hat means I am wife to Scott, Mom to Noah (18) and Jacob (14), and daughter of Billie, my aging mother. My fun hat means I am storyteller, public speaker, workshop leader, writer, and in general just a creative soul. My work hat takes me to Bethlehem Lutheran Church – Twin Cities in Minneapolis, MN as Pastor of Family Ministry.

It’s the last hat that has pushed me to start  this blog – Storyboard: moving forward in God’s story. As a pastor, I have heard much negative rhetoric on how the church is dying. No matter where I go, whether I am among colleagues at a conference or with my peers in class, church decline is the buzz word.

Yet one of my strengths is “Positivity ” (check out strength finders to find out yours!). So my reaction to decline it is lift up the living. Over the last few months, I have interviewed many churches who are doing just that – living out the Gospel in new and unexpected ways. So the goal of this blog is to share those life giving stories from other churches and from my own experience.

My blog was created as a result of an internship project and from the spirit of Ash Wednesday, when we realize that we come from dust and to dust will return, and in that dust God creates something new.

Any questions? Just ask!
